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Gitana Productions – Darfur Project

Photo by:  Gina Bramucci

Between May 23 and June 8, 2008, Gitana Productions, one of my clients, will present nine performances of Complacency of Silence: Darfur, a full-length original play created using documented and conducted interviews. The production will use music, dance and drama to explore the humanitarian crisis in the Darfur region of western Sudan. The crisis is one of the worst human rights and humanitarian crises of our time. The UN estimates that since 2003, more than 400,000 men, women and children have died as a result of the conflict and over 2 million of the region’s 7 million citizens have been displaced. Since many of the displaced are farmers they can no longer feed their families. Most of the victims are women and children. Complacency of Silence: Darfur will not only put a human face to this modern day genocide, but will also explore the deeper issue of why we commit, tolerate and ignore atrocities, particularly in Africa.

For more information go to: